Naughty & Nice
Reg.: I-259513
Brand: 68/1
DOB: 3/19/2011
Color: B/W
Weight: 1115
Brand: 68/1
DOB: 3/19/2011
Color: B/W
Weight: 1115
(on 11/21/2016)
Horns: 59.88(on 11/21/2016)
Over Kill |
Over Head | Headliner FF248 | Archer 92 |
Texana Possum Spot |
Overlyn | Overwhelmer |
King's Lyn |
Field of Pearls | Fielder | Zigfield |
Impression |
Pearl | Senator |
Kuuipo |
Naughty Pelosi | Jamakizm | Shadowizm | The Shadow |
Zither |
Jamoka | Circle K Donovan |
Miss Widespread |
Naughty Pine | Winchester | Gizmo |
Sadie Sam |
Dance With Joy | Unspartly |
Dancer |