Reg.: I-254124
Brand: 60/9
DOB: 4/12/2009
Color: W/R spk
Weight: 2040
Brand: 60/9
DOB: 4/12/2009
Color: W/R spk
Weight: 2040
(on 7/9/2013)
Horns: 72.88(on 7/9/2013)
Jolter retains the brindle dalmatian pattern plus very tall long style and frame. Jolter retains the brindle dalmatian pattern plus very tall long style and frame. He is one of the longest successful pedigrees at DCCI. Watch what he does on heifers at DCCI in 2010.
Juma |
Jamakizm | Shadowizm | The Shadow |
Zither |
Jamoka | Circle K Donovan |
Miss Widespread |
JuJu | Jet Jockey | Bail Jumper |
Better Yet |
Kookachoo | Zhivago |
Amaze |
Blazon Kill |
Over Kill | Over Head | Headliner FF248 |
Overlyn |
Field of Pearls | Fielder |
Pearl |
Unblazon | Unlimited | No Double |
Superior's Droopy |
Blazon | Jet Jockey |
Rose Blade |