
Zither - Photo Number: 1917_31.jpg
Reg.: I-00204532
Brand: 17/2
DOB: 3/28/1992
Color: W/R
Weight: 1025

(on 12/2/1997)

Horns: 56.13

(on 11/21/2002)

Sire - Zhivago - Photo Number: zhivago.jpg
King Royal Mounty
Texas Lin
Archer #1
Miss Texas Ranger 262
Texas Ranger JP
Miss Alamo
Safari B 496 Don Quintana
Don Quixote
Twisty Matilda
Safari B 119
YO Samson Boquillas 699
Baker Safari B 26
Bail News Bail Jumper Cowcatcher
Rangers Measles
Impressive News Newsworthy
Impressive Blessing


Bios For Zither

Zither - introduced speckled brindle to a family of cattle that produced Jamakizm, Drag Iron, Juma, through her son Shadowizm. She is a Zhivago daughter; 7 times line bred to Texas Ranger. Everything good starts somewhere.

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