Ultimate Circle

Ultimate Circle - Photo Number: 1259_11.jpg
Reg.: B-0958
Brand: 103/1
DOB: 6/12/1991
Color: R/W
Weight: 2210

(on 6/8/1996)

He was sired by Canadian Carcus Champion EPR Ultimate 12U. He was an Embryo transfer son of French import Premier Noir and Layette (Salers). His dam, a registered Buelingo was also a registered Dutch Belted cown named Roberta 34 purchased from Leroy Melcher of Houston, Texas. Leroy had acquired her from the big Florida Butch Belted herd. Ultimate Circle brough a low birth weight, strong beef grain-ability and the newly popular red colr to the Buelingo her book. Semen $15

Ultimate Premier Noir Rouget
Layette Hirondeau
Roberta Dh Showboat Wb Dennis Shirley Wb
155 Tattoo B-6
Mel Acres Spot 2 Wb Mr. Johns Laddy Wb
Mel Acres Spot Wb


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