Texas Longhorn Embryos

Dr. Rob Stout Embryologist
Dr. Rob Stout flushes and freezes DCC embryos for the USA.

During the last few years DCC has provided TEXAS LONGHORN aficionados around the world with frozen embryos from select matings of well known pedigreed cows and sires of the highest value. As a result, full blood Texas Longhorns are numerous in The Netherlands, Thailand, Brazil, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Czech Republic, Israel, Australia and soon to be in several other countries. Due to the economy of shipping frozen embryos rather than live cattle, this is the modern method of genetic movement. Frozen embryos are shipped, received, then thawed and implanted into host cows who are adapted to the local climate. Experienced embryologist are successfully finding a live calf rate with 50 to 75% success on implanted embryos.

Dr. Rob Stout Embryologist
Dr. Nathan Steiner and Darol Dickinson. Dr. Nate processes all export embryos for DCC.

Embryos shipped to certain countries require extensive tests for the donor cow, semen sire and embryo collection procedures. These tests are processed and recorded for nearly all countries. The less difficult the requirements for entry the more economical. Some countries have unusual rules which many believe are only trade barriers against the USA, however each of these can be circumvented with special permits by the countries of destination. A good working relationship with the destination government by the embryo purchaser is helpful.

Dr. Nathan Steiner evaluates embryos for export from DCC collections.
Dr. Nathan Steiner evaluates embryos for export from DCC collections.

The following matings are currently available. Inventory with prices, sires and dams plus full pedigrees are attached. Contact DCC to purchase or contract for future production.

The donor cows have been selected for this program due to numerous genetic qualities. These are described in the information section on each sire and donor. Please check this data and click onto sires names, grand sires and continue down line deep into the pedigrees for historic information and photos. Some cows are selected for muscle, extra correctness, wide horn, body size, special colors and historic pedigrees. Not all cows are selected for all of the specific virtues. Check the notes for qualities desired.

The sires used are the most superior in the industry. New sires and donors will be added annually as more superior cattle are developed. Background information on Dickinson Cattle Co at www.texaslonghorn.com.


Click on any of the photos below to see bigger photo and more information.

Embryos available to EU and most countries

These Embryos are available for export to Europe, Australia and most other countries.

Dance Contest x Spokesman

Quantity Available: 3

Embryos available for export to Europe, Australia and other countries.

Madora x Cut'n Dried

Quantity Available: 8

Embryos available for export to Europe, Australia and other countries.

Naughty Trial x Line Up

Quantity Available: 1

Embryos available for export to Europe, Australia

Precious Friend x Cut'n Dried

Sorry, Out of Stock.

Embryos available for export to Europe, Australia and other countries.

Queen Hand x Tuxedo

Quantity Available: 2

Embryos available for export to Europe, Australia and other countries.

Shoo-In x Spokesman

Quantity Available: 2

Embryos available for export to Europe, Australia and other countries.

Shy Hand x Cut'n Dried

Quantity Available: 3

Embryos available for export to Europe, Australia and other countries.

Stage Fright x Spokesman

Quantity Available: 3

Embryos available for export to Europe, Australia and other countries.

Tuff Aces x Rodeo Max

Sorry, Out of Stock.

Embryos available for export to Europe, Australia and other countries.

Unclear x Jet Black Chex

Sorry, Out of Stock.

Embryos available for export to Europe, Australia and other countries.

Wizard Wow x Jet Black Chex

Sorry, Out of Stock.

Embryos available for export to Europe, Australia and other countries.

For Step By Step details on ordering Embryo's, please Click Here

Embryos available for export to some countries

These Embryos are available for export to some countries and for domestic use. $700

Fickle Miss x Tempter

Quantity Available: 4

Embryos Available to some countries.Not EU or Australia

Lead The Field x Super Fast

Quantity Available: 9

Embryos Available to some countries.Not EU or Australia

Lead The Field x Super Bowl

Quantity Available: 8

Embryos Available to some countries.Not EU or Australia

Legends Gal x Tempter

Quantity Available: 5

Embryos Available to some countries.Not EU or Australia

Legends Gal x Victory Lap

Quantity Available: 9

Embryos Available to some countries.Not EU or Australia

Night Wire x Tempter

Quantity Available: 5

Embryos Available to some countries.Not EU or Australia

Out Fielder x Tempter

Quantity Available: 4

Embryos Available to some countries.Not EU or Australia

Ungunna x Shadowizm

Quantity Available: 9

Ungunna is the dam of Bella Bellucci. The Shadowizm eggs are full sibs to Bella Bellucci. Click for Bella Bellucci

Ungunna x Super Bowl

Quantity Available: 7

Embryos Available to some countries.Not EU or Australia

Zicklefoose x Super Fast

Quantity Available: 5

Embryos Available to some countries.Not EU or Australia

For Step By Step details on ordering Embryo's, please Click Here

Embryos for USA or export without documents $550 each.

Delta Fawn x Mile Marker

Quantity Available: 9

Embryos for USA or export without documents

Delta Fawn x Super Bowl

Quantity Available: 6

Embryos for USA or export without documents

Highway To Heaven x Raffles

Quantity Available: 1

Embryos for USA or export without documents

Zhi Hot x Tempter

Quantity Available: 5

Embryos for USA or export without documents

Updated June-2021

Embryos Calves Born In Other Countries

Last year we got the first calves in Holland from the embryo’s we bought from you. 13 embryo’s, 8 born, 6 bulls and two heifers. - JaapLuuk en Marga Mulder-Korsten

Last year we got the first calves in Holland from the embryo’s we bought from you. 13 embryo’s, 8 born, 6 bulls and two heifers. - JaapLuuk en Marga Mulder-Korsten

Super Fast X Zicklefoose, embryo from DCC born in Finland.
2021 Super Fast X Zicklefoose embryo from DCC in Finland.
Embryo was shipped over 20 years ago and stored until recently.
Tuxeudo Calf in Brazil
Tuxeudo Calf in Brazil
Tuxeudo Calf in Brazil
Tuxeudo Calf in Brazil
Rollo, by Tuxedo out of Jest Keeper, in Uruguay
Rollo, by Tuxedo out of Jest Keeper, in Uruguay
Just born in Brazil, sired by AI from DCC sire.
Just born in Brazil. (June-2021) Sired by AI from DCC sire out of native Brazillian cow.
New born heifer AI sired in South America by Non Stop.
New born heifer AI sired in South America by Non Stop.
Bill, owned by Dr. Elke Treitinger, Germany. By Victory Lap out of Legends Gal.
Bill, owned by Dr. Elke Treitinger, Germany. By Victory Lap out of Legends Gal.
Roses For The Winner heifer embryo calf by Jet Black Chex, born in Uruguay.
Roses For The Winner heifer embryo calf by Jet Black Chex, born in Uruguay.
First Longhorn Embryo in Netherlands
"Finally Mine" - owned by Micha Hamersky, of Steyr, Austria, Europe. Sire: Unlimited, Dam: Delta Fawn.
First Longhorn Embryo in Netherlands
First Longhorn Embryo Calf Born in the Netherlands
First Longhorn Embryo in Netherlands
This day old heifer is  a Tempter out off  Fickle Miss. Born in The Netherlands.
First Longhorn Embryo in Netherlands
This photo is from The Netherlands, name is Legendary Victory, by Victory Lap out of Legends Gal
First Longhorn Embryo in Netherlands
Embryo heifer by Tempter & Legends Gal in The Netherlands
Diepenhoek Legendary Victory
Diepenhoek Legendary Victory
Victory Lap x Legends Gal
Embryo Heifer born in the Netherlands
owned by Marianne Adriaans
Diepenhoek Legendary Victory
From The Netherlands, Diepenhoek Unshadowy by Shadowizm and out of Ungunna.
Diepenhoek Legendary Victory
"Diepenhoek Unshadow" - She is Shadowizm X Ungunna heifer.
Jet Black Chex x Iron Queen
Frozen embryo from DCC in Germany. - Sire: Jet Black Chex Dam: Iron Queen by Drag Iron
Owned by Melanie Reinecke
Rodeo Max X Iron Queen
Rodeo Max X Iron Queen - German embryo
Owned by Melanie Reinecke
Jet Black Chex X Iron Queen
Jet Black Chex X Iron Queen - Germany embryos.
Owned by Melanie Reinecke
Rodeo Max X Iron Queen bull
Rodeo Max X Iron Queen Embryo bull
Jet Black Chex X Iron Queen Bull
Jet Black Chex X Iron Queen Embryo Bull
Jet Black Chex X Iron Queen Embryo Heifer
Jet Black Chex X Iron Queen Embryo Heifer

New birth from DCC embryo sent to Uruguay. Tempter x Untopped
DCC embryo heifer born in Uruguay.  Jet Black Chex X Roses For The Winner.
DCC embryo heifer born in Uruguay. Jet Black Chex X Roses For The Winner.
Cut'n Dried Embryo heifer from Rodeo Max cow.
Cut'n Dried Embryo heifer from Rodeo Max cow.
An F2 Watusi cow by Akeme with Judd calf at side. Michael Bethel, Australia
An F2 Watusi cow by Akeme with Judd calf at side. Michael Bethel, Australia.
New Watusi calf by Judd at Michael Bethel, Australia
New Watusi calf by Judd at Michael Bethel, Australia
An F1 Watusi cow by Buffalo Bill out of a Texas Longhorn cow. Titan Wolf calf at side, Michael Bethel, Australia.
An F1 Watusi cow by Buffalo Bill out of a Texas Longhorn cow. Titan Wolf calf at side, Michael Bethel, Australia.